All The Love In The World

Love is universally desired and revered. To have it is to possess the true meaning of life. We all seek it in many different ways. We want to receive it and we all want to hold on to it, once we get it. We, as humans, spend our whole lives searching for, dreaming and wondering about love.


There are many different kinds of love. When you hear the word love, most people think of romantic love. Everybody wants that closeness that transcends everything. We desire to be held and caressed with deep emotion and that feeling of oneness. Many great books and movies have chronicled this sought after connection. So how do you get it, keep it and have your happily ever after? That is why we are here. We will be talking to people around the world to find out how they achieved LOVE SO DIVINE.


Love isn't just about romance. Our original love began with our parents. When you see a child with its mother or father, you are seeing first love. The person who brought you into this world, cared for you and taught you what love was, helped shape how you love. Not everybody had an ideal experience, but everybody can love. Whether biological, adopted or just chosen, most all of us have a person who loved and cared for us as children. From our experiences, we pack the baggage that we carry for life. Our past experiences affect our ability to love. In order to have successful love relationships, you have to know who you are, where you came from and where you want to go.


The key to any kind of successful relationship is self-love. Without it, insecurities and feelings of not being worthy can tank even the best of relationships. Loving yourself isn't a selfish act. Loving yourself is an act of acceptance of the here and now. To love yourself is to do what is best for yourself and to strive to be your best in all situations. You become aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it, instead of blindly putting yourself in destructive situations or letting others control you. The act of loving is positive and uplifting. So to love yourself is to seek the positive and to uplift yourself and see yourself as worthy of all the great things life has to offer. So the first step on the road to self-love is awareness. Being aware of what you think of yourself and what you think you deserve can open your eyes to where you are in your life and in love. You become the master of your own fate.


Friendships can be casual or they can be a soul connections that cause a bond that lasts a lifetime. Some people love their friends only in certain contexts, while others have formed friendship bonds that are stronger than blood relationships. Some people have many friends, while others have just that one friend that would do anything for them and they would do the same. These love friendships are the standard to which everyone would love to achieve.


Another kind of friendship involves a winged or four legged friend. Humans have been bonding with animals since the beginning of time. Animals have a way of giving love that makes humans express love. To not discriminate, some pets don't have leg or wings, but are loved just the same. The point of having a pet is to give love. The ideal situation is to get love back. Not all animals are the snuggling type. Cats, for example, give love when they want to. But when they want to, be ready for a snuggle. No matter what animal you have, love is there to share.


Spiritual love is so diverse that most people won't discuss it. Whether you are religious or spiritual, the point is to give and receive love. To love without judgment or hate is Divine. We attract what we believe, so if we believe in unconditional love, we will get unconditional love. Lifting the burden of hate frees us to be the the love we seek.

Love in all forms is the sweet nectar of life. The fruits of our desire to give and receive love make life worth living. The only thing that can truly bring world peace is love. The best we can do is spread it one person at a time. We must all do our part, for if we do, we will have LOVE SO DIVINE!

The purpose of this site is to spread love. If you found this site, you either have love to share or want to be uplifted by the stories, poetry, music, pictures and videos shared on this site. So share your love with the world.

Love is the subject, today and every day.
Romantic Love
Whether dating or married, sustaining a love relationship is worth the effort.
Your first experience with love happens with your family. Your family teaches you how to love.
Love So Divine contact page
To find the love and joy you seek, you must first master self-love.
Friends are family you choose to be with.
Spiritual Love is that pure energy that lives inside all of us. Though some people's spirit has been covered over by hate and fear, love is always the answer to what ails us.